대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Wolf 45 Songs on Poems of Goethe and Eichendorff for Voice and Piano




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 1,000
상품상태 재고보유

Wolf 45 Songs on Poems of Goethe and Eichendorff for Voice and Piano

German composer deeply affecting works include pieces evoking a romantic moonlit world, exquisite short love lyrics and works that explore the darker side of human experience.

C.F.Peters ed.


EICHENDORFF SONGS [Gedichte von Joseph von Eichendorff] Nos. 1-20 (complete)

01. DER FREUND [The friend]

02. DER MUSIKANT [The wandering minstrel]


04. DAS STANDCHEN [The aged minstrel]

05. "DER SOLDAT I [The soldier, I]"

06. "DER SOLDAT II [The soldier, II]"

07. DIE ZIGEUNERIN [The Gipsy-maid]

08. NACHTZAUBER [Nights`s glory]

09. DER SCHRECKEBERGER [Captain Dreadnaught]

10. DER GLUCKSRITTER [Dame Fortune`s knight]

11. LIEBER ALLES [I`d rather]

12. HEIMWEH [Longing for home]

13. DER SCHOLAR [The itinerant scholar]

14. DER VERZWEIFELTE LIEBHABER [The despairing lover]

15. UNFALL [Mishap]

16. LIEBERSGLUCK [The bliss of love]

17. SEEMANNS ABSCHIED [The sailor`s farewell]

18. ERWARTUNG [Waiting]

19. DIE NACHT [Night]

20. WALDMADCHEN [Forest-nymph]

GOETHE SONGS [Gedichte von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe] Nos. 12-18 (November 1888-February 1889) Nos. 34-51 (January 1889)

12. RITTER KURTS BRAUTFAHRT [Sir Kurt`s bridal journey]

13. GUTMANN UND GUTWEIB [Goodman and Goodwife]

14. "COPHTISCHES LIED I [Song of the Great Copt, I]"

15. "COPHTISCHES LIED II [Song of the Great Copt, II]"

16. "FRECH UND FROH I [Impudent and merry, I]"

17. "FRECH UND FROH II [Impudent and merry, II]"

18. BEHERZIGUNG [A reflection]


(a) "From the "Book of the Inn" [Aus dem "Schenkenbuch`]"

34. OB DER KORAN VON EWIGKEIT SEI? [Is the Koran eternal?]

35. TRUNKEN MUSSEN WIR ALLE SEIN! [We must all be drunk!]

36. SO LANG MAN NUCHTERN IST [As long as a man is sober]

37. SIE HABEN WEGEN DER TRUNKENHEIT [They have complained about our drunkenness]

38. WAS IN DER SCHENKE WAREN HEUTE [What commotions there were in the inn today]

(b) "From the "Book of Suleika" [Aus dem "Buch Suleika"]"

39. NICHT GELEGENHEIT MACHT DIEBE [It is not opportunity that makes the thief]

40. HOCH BEGLUCKT IN DEINER LIEBE [Deeply blessed by your love]

41. ALS ICH AUF DEM EUPHRAT SCHIFFTE [As I was boating on the Euphrates]

42. DIES ZU DEUTEN BIN ERBOTIG! [I am ready to interpret this!]

43. HATT ICH IRGEND WOHL BEDENKEN [Would I have any reservations?]

44. "KOMM, LIEBCHEN, KOMM! [Come, darling, come!]"

45. WIE SOLLT ICH HEITER BLEIBEN [How am I to remain cheerful?]

46. WENN ICH DEIN GEDENKE [When I think of you]

47. "LOCKEN, HALTET MICH GEFANGEN [Tresses, keep me captive]"

48. NIMMER WILL ICH DICH VERLIEREN! [I never want to lose you!]

49. PROMETHEUS [Prometheus] (Setting for baritone)

50. GANYMED [Ganymede]

51. GRENZEN DER MENSCHHEIT [Limitations of humanity]

작곡가 Wolf, Hugo