대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Tchaikovsky The Seasons and Other Works for Piano for Piano Solo




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 1,000
상품상태 재고없음

Tchaikovsky THE SEASONS and Other Works for Piano for Piano Solo

Five early pieces

Romance (Op.5)

Valse-scherzo - Waltz-scherzo (Op.7)

Capriccio (Op.8)

"Polka de salon (Op.9, No.2)"

"Nocturne (Op.10, No.1)"

"Theme original et variations - Original theme and variations (Op.19, No.6)"

From Twelve Pieces (Op.40)

No. 2 Chanson triste - Sad song

6. Chant sans paroles - Song without words

9. Valse - Waltz

10. Danse russe - Russian dance

Valse sentimentale - Sentimental waltz (Op.51, No.6)"

Doumka (Scene rustique russe) - Dumka (Russian village scene) (Op.59)

From Eighteen Characteristic Pieces (Op.72)

No. 1 Impromptu

2. Berceuse - Lullaby

3. Tendres reproches - Gentle reproaches

4. Danse caracteristique - Characteristic dance

8. Dialogue

9. Un poco di Schumann - A bit of Schumann

12. L`espiegle - The rascal

13. Echo rustique - Countryside echo

15. Un poco di Chopin - A bit of Chopin

16. Valse a cinq temps - Waltz in five-beat time

Album for the Young (after Schumann) (Op. 39) [Restored to Tchaikovsky`s original sequence]


No. 1. Priere de matin - Morning prayer

2. Le matin en hiver - Winter morning

3. Maman - Mama

4. Le petit cavalier - The little horseman

5. Marches des soldats de bois - Marches of the wooden soldiers

6. La nouvelle poupee - The new doll

7. La poupee malade - The sick doll

8. Enterrement de la poupee - The doll`s burial

9. Valse - Waltz

10. Polka

11. Mazurka

12. Chanson russe - Russian song

13. Le paysan prelude - The peasant plays an introduction

14. Chanson populaire (Kamarinskaya) - Folk Song

15. Chanson intalienne - Italian song

16. Melodie antique francaise - Old French melody

17. Chanson allemande - German song

18. Chanson napolitaine - Neapolitan song

19. Conte de la vieille bonne - The old maid-servant`s tale

20. La sorciere (Baba-Yaga) - The witch

21. Douce reverie - Sweet reverie

22. Chant de l`alouette -Song of the lark

23. A l`eglise - In church

24. L`orgue de barbarie - The hurdy-gurdy

The Seasons (Op. 37bis)

Note and epigraphs

1. "Janvier: "Au coin du feu" - January "By the fireside"

2. "Fevrier: "Carnaval" - February: "Carnival"

3. "Mars: "Chant de l`alouette" - March "Song of the lark"

4. "Avril: "Perce-neige" - April: "Snowdrop"

5. "Mai: "Les nuits de mai" - May: "May nights" ["White nights"]"

6. "Juin: "Barcarolle" - June: "Barcarolle"

7. "Juillet: "Chant du faucheur" - July: "The reaper`s song"

8. "Aout: "La moisson" - August: "The harvest"

9. "Septembre: "La chasse" - September: "The hunt"

10. "Octobre: "Chant d`automne" - October: "Autumn song"

11. "Novembre: "En troika" - November: "In the troika"

12. "Decembre: "Noel" - December: "Christmas"

작곡가 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich