대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

[특가상품] Satie 20 Short Pieces for Piano




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 200
상품상태 재고보유

[특가상품] Satie 20 Short Pieces for Piano

Facsimile of 1926 limited edition of Sports et Divertissements.Illus. by Charles Martin.

La Balancoire (The Swing)

La Chasse (Hunting)

La Comedie italienne (Italian Comedy)

Le Reveil de la Mariee (The Awakening of the Bride)

Colin-Maillard (Blindman`s Buff)

La Peche (Fishing)

Le Yachting (Yachting)

Le Bain de mer (Ocean Bathing)

Le Carnaval (Carnival)

Le Golf (Golf)

La Pieuvre (The Octopus)

Les Courses (Racing)

Les Quatre-coins (Puss in the Corner)

Le Pique-nique (The Picnic)

Le Water-chute (Shoot-the-Chutes)

Le Tango (perpetuel) (The [Perpetual] Tango)

Le Traineau (The Sled)

Le Flirt (Flirting)

Le Feu d`Artifice (Fireworks)

Le Tennis (Tennis)

작곡가 Satie,Erik