대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Ravel Piano Masterpieces for Piano Solo




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 700
상품상태 재고보유

Ravel Piano Masterpieces for Piano Solo

Menuet antique (Old Minuet; composed 1895; dedicated to Ricardo Vines) 고풍스러운 미뉴엣

Pavane pour une infante defunte (Pavane for a Deceased Infanta; 1899; dedicated to Princess E. de Polignac) 죽은 왕녀를 위한 파반느

Jeux d`eau (Play of Water; 1901; dedicated to Gabriel Faure) 물의 희롱 , 물의 유희

Sonatine (Sonatina; 1903-05; dedicated to Ida and Cipa Godebski) 소나티네

I. Modere

II. Mouvt de Menuet

III. Anime

Miroirs (Mirrors; 1904-05) 거울

I. Noctuelles (Night Moths; dedicated to Leon Paul Fargue)

II. Oiseaux tristes (Sad Birds; dedicated to Ricardo Vines)

III. Une barque sur l`ocean (A Boat on the Ocean; dedicated to Paul Sordes)

IV. Alborada del gracioso (The Comedian`s Aubade; dedicated to M.-D. Calvocoressi)

V. La vallee des cloches (The Valley of Bells; dedicated to Maurice Delage)

Gaspard de la nuit (Artful Dodger of the Night; 1908) 밤의 가스파르

Poetic texts and translations

I. Ondine (Undine; dedicated to Harold Bauer) 물의 요정

II. Le gibet (The Gibbet; dedicated to Jean Marnold)

III. Scarbo (dedicated to Rudolph Ganz)

Menuet sur le nom d`Haydn (Minuet on the Name of Haydn; 1909)

작곡가 Ravel,Maurice(1875-1937)