대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin and Other Works for Solo Piano




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 1,000
상품상태 재고없음

Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin and Other Works for Solo Piano

Ma Mere l`Oye: Cinq pieces enfantines [Mother Goose Suite : Five children`s pieces]

I. Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant [Pavane of Sleeping Beauty in the wood]

II. Petit Poucet [Little Tom Thumb/Hop o` my thumb]

III. "Laideronnette, Imperatrice des pagodes ["Little Homely," Empress of the toy mandarins]"

IV. Les entretiens de la Belle et de la Bete [Conversations of Beauty and the Beast]

V. Le jardin feerique [The wondrous garden]

Valses nobles et sentimentales [Elegant and lyrical waltzes]

I. Modere

II. Assez lent

III. Modere

IV. Assez anime

V. Presque lent

VI. Vif

VII. Moins vif

VIII. Epilogue: Lent


A la maniere de ... Emmanuel Chabrier

"Paraphrase sur un air de Gounod ("Faust IIeme acte")"

"[In the style of Emmanuel Chabrier - Paraphrase on a melody by Gounod (`Faust, Act II"*)]"

A la maniere de ... Borodine (Valse) [In the style of (Alexander) Borodin-Waltz]

Le tombeau de Couperin: Suite pour le Piano [Couperin`s tomb: Suite for piano]

라벨 쿠프랭의 무덤

I. Prelude

II. Fugue

III. Forlane

IV. Rigaudon

V. Menuet

VI. Toccata

La Valse: Poeme choregraphique [The Waltz: Choreographic poem for orchestra]

Transcribed for piano by the composer

-Biblioggraphical Note-

This Dover edition, first published in 1997, is a new compilation of previously uncollected piano works originally published separately. <b>A.Durand</b> & Cie, Paris, originally ppublished:

작곡가 Ravel,Maurice(1875-1937)