대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Andersen 24 Progressive Studies Op.33 for Flute Solo




출판사 Carl Fischer
포인트 600
상품상태 재고보유

Andersen 24 Progressive Studies Op.33 for Flute Solo

Instructionals : Etudes and Exercises

Usages : School and Community Sacred

Back To School. Collection. With Standard notation

9 X 12 inches.

Carl Fischer Music presents a new spin on a classic teaching method with this edition of Joachim Andersen’s 24 Progressive Studies for the Flute, Op. 33. While all of the original etudes are included, flute pedagogue Professor Charles DeLaney has expanded them to include notes in the upper range of the instrument, updating this book for the flute’s modern incarnation. DeLaney also lends his sharp wit to this edition, having cleverly named the etudes and also has provided helpful and humorous practice notes for each. As a special bonus, this book also features “DeLaney’s Daily Dozen,” a set of practice exercises guaranteed to improve technique and musicality. Essentially a complete method built on a proven collection of etudes, Delaney’s edition of 24 Progressive Studies for the Flute, Op. 33 is absolutely essential for serious flute students. For intermediate to advanced players.

칼 피셔 뮤직(Carl Fischer Music)은 요아힘 안데르센(Joachim Andersen)의 플루트를 위한 24가지 진보적 연구 Op. 33. 원래의 연습곡이 모두 포함되어 있지만 플루트 교육자 Charles DeLaney 교수는 악기의 고음역에 대한 음표를 포함하도록 확장하여 플루트의 현대적 구현에 맞게 이 책을 업데이트했습니다. DeLaney는 또한 연습곡의 이름을 영리하게 지정하고 각각에 대해 유용하고 유머러스한 연습 노트를 제공하여 이 버전에 예리한 재치를 빌려주었습니다. 특별한 보너스로 이 책에는 기술과 음악성을 향상시키는 연습 연습 세트인 "DeLaney's Daily Dozen"도 포함되어 있습니다. 본질적으로 입증된 연습곡 모음인 Delaney의 플루트에 대한 24가지 진보적 연구 Op.를 기반으로 구축된 완전한 방법입니다. 33은 진지한 플루트 학생들에게 절대적으로 필요합니다. 중급~고급 플레이어용.

Carl Fischer Music presents a new spin on a classic teaching method with this edition of Joachim Andersen's 24 Progressive Studies for the Flute, Op. 33. While all of the original etudes are included, flute pedagogue Professor Charles DeLaney has expanded them to include notes in the upper range of the instrument, updating this book for the flute's modern incarnation. DeLaney also lends his sharp wit to this edition, having cleverly named the etudes and also has provided helpful and humorous practice notes for each. As a special bonus, this book also features DeLaney's Daily Dozen, a set of practice exercises guaranteed to improve technique and musicality. Essentially a complete method built on a proven collection of etudes, Delaney's edition of 24 Progressive Studies for the Flute, Op. 33 is absolutely essential for serious flute students. For intermediate to advanced players.

I am happy to be able to present the Andersen/DeLaney Etude and Daily Exercises book and, in doing so, to be able to honor Charles DeLaney for a lifetime of superior teaching. This book represents Mr. DeLaneys excellent teaching ideas in two parts: The DeLaney Daily Dozen and the Andersen Op. 33 etudes, to which Mr. DeLaney added his own written annotations and commentaries. These commentaries, which feature a unique combination of wit and practical advice, are reproduced verbatim in this edition. Delaney explored the idea of playing the flute in the fourth octave, thus extending the range to learn how to support and play more evenly. It is often the case that after mastering the difficult fourth-octave fingerings, everything else seems comparatively easy. Flutists will be surprised at how much patience they need to learn all this and how much more flexible their brains become after finishing this book. All of this admittedly difficult material is presented with another great part of Charlie DeLaneys teaching: his golden humor. I tested this book with my students, and found that it worked very well as described above. The scales were always done in the famous Magic Circle: Everybody would sit in a circle and play one scale after the other around the circle. This made the training very effective in a group lesson, such as a studio class. It helped the students to practice their scales; moreover, it was fun doing it together. This was yet another part of Mr. DeLaneys teaching philosophy, for learning together in a good atmosphere was so important to him. It made everything easier and faster. It gave you a great deal more motivation, inspiration and often a smile as well. I want to thank Sue DeLaney, Deborah Harris and Angeleita Floyd for their input during my work on preparing this edition of DeLaneys Daily Dilemmas. I would also like to thank Robert Walker for helping with the computer logistics and the format of the music. Finally, I dedicate this book to Charles DeLaney to thank him for his wonderful contributions to the flute world, all his work for his students everywhere, and especially for the FSU flute studio from 19762000.

I am happy to be able to present the Andersen/DeLaney Etude and Daily Exercises book and, in doing so, to be able to honor Charles DeLaney for a lifetime of superior teaching. This book represents Mr. DeLaneyas excellent teaching ideas in two parts: The DeLaney Daily Dozen and the Andersen Op. 33 etudes, to which Mr. DeLaney added his own written annotations and commentaries. These commentaries, which feature a unique combination of wit and practical advice, are reproduced verbatim in this edition. Delaney explored the idea of playing the flute in the fourth octave, thus extending the range to learn how to support and play more evenly. It is often the case that after mastering the difficult fourth-octave fingerings, everything else seems comparatively easy. Flutists will be surprised at how much patience they need to learn all this and how much more flexible their brains become after finishing this book. All of this admittedly difficult material is presented with another great part of Charlie DeLaneyas teaching: his golden humor. I tested this book with my students, and found that it worked very well as described above. The scales were always done in the famous aMagic Circle:a Everybody would sit in a circle and play one scale after the other around the circle. This made the training very effective in a group lesson, such as a studio class. It helped the students to practice their scales; moreover, it was fun doing it together. This was yet another part of Mr. DeLaneyas teaching philosophy, for learning together in a good atmosphere was so important to him. It made everything easier and faster. It gave you a great deal more motivation, inspiration and often a smile as well. I want to thank Sue DeLaney, Deborah Harris and Angeleita Floyd for their input during my work on preparing this edition of aDeLaneyas Daily Dilemmas.a I would also like to thank Robert Walker for helping with the computer logistics and the format of the music. Finally, I dedicate this book to Charles DeLaney to thank him for his wonderful contributions to the flute world, all his work for his students everywhere, and especially for the FSU flute studio from 1976a2000.

I am happy to be able to present the Andersen/DeLaney Etude and Daily Exercises book and, in doing so, to be able to honor Charles DeLaney for a lifetime of superior teaching. This book represents Mr. DeLaney's excellent teaching ideas in two parts: The DeLaney Daily Dozen and the Andersen Op. 33 etudes, to which Mr. DeLaney added his own written annotations and commentaries. These commentaries, which feature a unique combination of wit and practical advice, are reproduced verbatim in this edition. Delaney explored the idea of playing the flute in the fourth octave, thus extending the range to learn how to support and play more evenly. It is often the case that after mastering the difficult fourth-octave fingerings, everything else seems comparatively easy. Flutists will be surprised at how much patience they need to learn all this and how much more flexible their brains become after finishing this book. All of this admittedly difficult material is presented with another great part of Charlie DeLaney's teaching: his golden humor. I tested this book with my students, and found that it worked very well as described above. The scales were always done in the famous "Magic Circle:" Everybody would sit in a circle and play one scale after the other around the circle. This made the training very effective in a group lesson, such as a studio class. It helped the students to practice their scales; moreover, it was fun doing it together. This was yet another part of Mr. DeLaney's teaching philosophy, for learning together in a good atmosphere was so important to him. It made everything easier and faster. It gave you a great deal more motivation, inspiration and often a smile as well. I want to thank Sue DeLaney, Deborah Harris and Angeleita Floyd for their input during my work on preparing this edition of "DeLaney's Daily Dilemmas." I would also like to thank Robert Walker for helping with the computer logistics and the format of the music. Finally, I dedicate this book to Charles DeLaney to thank him for his wonderful contributions to the flute world, all his work for his students everywhere, and especially for the FSU flute studio from 1976-2000.

I am happy to be able to present the Andersen/DeLaney Etude and Daily Exercises book and, in doing so,to be able to honor Charles DeLaney for a lifetime of superior teaching.This book represents Mr. DeLaney’s excellent teaching ideas in two parts: The DeLaney Daily Dozenand the Andersen Op. 33 etudes, to which Mr. DeLaney added his own written annotations and commentaries.These commentaries, which feature a unique combination of wit and practical advice, are reproduced verbatim inthis edition. Delaney explored the idea of playing the flute in the fourth octave, thus extending the range to learnhow to support and play more evenly. It is often the case that after mastering the difficult fourth-octave fingerings,everything else seems comparatively easy. Flutists will be surprised at how much patience they need to learn all thisand how much more flexible their brains become after finishing this book. All of this admittedly difficult materialis presented with another great part of Charlie DeLaney’s teaching: his golden humor.I tested this book with my students, and found that it worked very well as described above. The scales werealways done in the famous “Magic Circle:” Everybody would sit in a circle and play one scale after the other aroundthe circle. This made the training very effective in a group lesson, such as a studio class. It helped the students topractice their scales; moreover, it was fun doing it together. This was yet another part of Mr. DeLaney’s teachingphilosophy, for learning together in a good atmosphere was so important to him. It made everything easier andfaster. It gave you a great deal more motivation, inspiration and often a smile as well.I want to thank Sue DeLaney, Deborah Harris and Angeleita Floyd for their input during my work onpreparing this edition of “DeLaney’s Daily Dilemmas.” I would also like to thank Robert Walker for helping withthe computer logistics and the format of the music. Finally, I dedicate this book to Charles DeLaney to thank himfor his wonderful contributions to the flute world, all his work for his students everywhere, and especially for theFSU flute studio from 1976–2000.

칼 피셔 뮤직(Carl Fischer Music)은 요아힘 안데르센(Joachim Andersen)의 플루트를 위한 24가지 진보적 연구 Op. 33. 원래의 연습곡이 모두 포함되어 있지만 플루트 교육자 Charles DeLaney 교수는 악기의 고음역에 대한 음표를 포함하도록 확장하여 플루트의 현대적 구현에 맞게 이 책을 업데이트했습니다. DeLaney는 또한 연습곡의 이름을 영리하게 지정하고 각각에 대해 유용하고 유머러스한 연습 노트를 제공하여 이 버전에 예리한 재치를 빌려주었습니다. 특별 보너스로 이 책에는 기술과 음악성을 향상시키는 연습 연습 세트인 DeLaney의 Daily Dozen도 포함되어 있습니다. 본질적으로 입증된 연습곡 컬렉션인 Delaney의 플루트에 대한 24가지 진보적 연구 Op.를 기반으로 구축된 완전한 방법입니다. 33은 진지한 플루트 학생들에게 절대적으로 필요합니다. 중급~고급 플레이어용.

나는 Andersen/DeLaney Etude and Daily Practices 책을 발표할 수 있게 되어 기쁩니다. 그렇게 함으로써 평생 동안 뛰어난 가르침을 주신 Charles DeLaney에게 경의를 표할 수 있게 되었습니다. 이 책은 DeLaney Daily Dozen과 Andersen Op의 두 부분으로 구성된 Mr. DeLaney의 탁월한 교육 아이디어를 나타냅니다. 33개의 연습곡에 DeLaney 씨가 직접 주석과 논평을 추가했습니다. 재치와 실용적인 조언이 독특하게 결합된 이 논평은 이 판에 그대로 재현되어 있습니다. Delaney는 네 번째 옥타브에서 플루트를 연주하는 아이디어를 탐구하여 범위를 확장하여 보다 균일하게 지지하고 연주하는 방법을 배웠습니다. 어려운 4옥타브 운지법을 익히고 나면 다른 모든 것이 비교적 쉬워 보이는 경우가 많습니다. 플루티스트들은 이 모든 것을 배우기 위해 얼마나 많은 인내심이 필요한지, 그리고 이 책을 마친 후에 그들의 두뇌가 얼마나 더 유연해졌는지를 보고 놀라게 될 것입니다. 명백히 어려운 이 모든 자료는 Charlie DeLaney의 가르침의 또 다른 중요한 부분인 그의 황금 유머와 함께 제공됩니다. 나는 이 책을 학생들과 함께 테스트한 결과 위에 설명된 대로 매우 잘 작동한다는 것을 알았습니다. 음계는 항상 유명한 매직 서클에서 이루어졌습니다. 모두가 원 안에 앉아 원을 중심으로 한 음계를 연주했습니다. 이로 인해 스튜디오 수업과 같은 그룹 수업에서 교육이 매우 효과적이었습니다. 학생들이 음계를 연습하는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 게다가 같이 해서 즐거웠어요. 이것은 Mr. DeLaney의 교육 철학의 또 다른 부분이었습니다. 좋은 분위기에서 함께 배우는 것이 그에게 매우 중요했기 때문입니다. 모든 것이 더 쉽고 빨라졌습니다. 그것은 당신에게 훨씬 더 많은 동기 부여와 영감을 주었고 종종 미소도주었습니다. DeLaneys Daily Dilemmas의 이번 판을 준비하는 동안 도움을 주신 Sue DeLaney, Deborah Harris 및 Angeleita Floyd에게 감사의 말씀을 전하고 싶습니다. 또한 컴퓨터 물류와 음악 형식을 도와준 Robert Walker에게도 감사의 말씀을 전하고 싶습니다. 마지막으로, 나는 이 책을 Charles DeLaney에게 헌정하여 플루트 세계에 대한 훌륭한 공헌, 모든 곳의 그의 학생들, 특히 1976년부터 2000년까지 FSU 플루트 스튜디오를 위한 그의 모든 작업에 대해 감사드립니다.

나는 Andersen/DeLaney Etude and Daily Practices 책을 발표할 수 있게 되어 기쁩니다. 그렇게 함으로써 평생 동안 뛰어난 가르침을 주신 Charles DeLaney에게 경의를 표할 수 있게 되었습니다. 이 책은 DeLaney의 뛰어난 교육 아이디어를 DeLaney Daily Dozen과 Andersen Op의 두 부분으로 나누어 표현합니다. 33개의 연습곡에 DeLaney 씨가 직접 주석과 논평을 추가했습니다. 재치와 실용적인 조언이 독특하게 결합된 이 논평은 이 판에 그대로 재현되어 있습니다. Delaney는 네 번째 옥타브에서 플루트를 연주하는 아이디어를 탐구하여 범위를 확장하여 보다 균일하게 지지하고 연주하는 방법을 배웠습니다. 어려운 4옥타브 운지법을 익히고 나면 다른 모든 것이 비교적 쉬워 보이는 경우가 많습니다. 플루티스트들은 이 모든 것을 배우기 위해 얼마나 많은 인내심이 필요한지, 그리고 이 책을 마친 후에 그들의 두뇌가 얼마나 더 유연해졌는지를 보고 놀라게 될 것입니다. 어려운 것으로 인정되는 이 모든 자료는 Charlie DeLaneya 교육의 또 다른 중요한 부분인 그의 황금 유머와 함께 제공됩니다. 나는 이 책을 학생들과 함께 테스트한 결과 위에 설명된 대로 매우 잘 작동한다는 것을 알았습니다. 음계는 항상 유명한 aMagic Circle에서 이루어졌습니다. a 모두가 원 안에 앉아 원을 중심으로 한 음계를 차례로 연주했습니다. 이로 인해 스튜디오 수업과 같은 그룹 수업에서 교육이 매우 효과적이었습니다. 학생들이 음계를 연습하는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 게다가 같이 해서 즐거웠어요. 이것은 DeLaneya의 교육 철학의 또 다른 부분이었습니다. 좋은 분위기에서 함께 배우는 것이 그에게 매우 중요했기 때문입니다. 모든 것이 더 쉽고 빨라졌습니다. 그것은 당신에게 훨씬 더 많은 동기 부여와 영감을 주었고 종종 미소도주었습니다. 이번 aDeLaneyas Daily Dilemmas 에디션을 준비하는 동안 도움을 준 Sue DeLaney, Deborah Harris 및 Angeleita Floyd에게 감사의 말씀을 전하고 싶습니다. 또한 컴퓨터 물류 및 작업에 도움을 준 Robert Walker에게도 감사의 말씀을 전하고 싶습니다.

작곡가 Andersen, Joachim (1847-1909)

에디터 Amsler, Eva